Modern Trends in PDE's, Geometric Analysis and Mathematical Physics

University of Cergy-Pontoise

5 – 6 September 2011

The aim of this two-day conference is to highlight the state-of-the-art and perspectives of various domains of PDE's, geometric analysis, and mathematical physics. Eight one-hour lectures will be delivered by world-leading experts of these domains.

A detalied programme of the conference and some abstracts are now available.

Day 1: PDE's and Geometric Analysis

Camillo De Lellis (University of Zürich, Switzerland)
    Quantitative rigidity estimates

Eduard Feireisl (Mathematics Institute, Czech Republic)
    Singular limits in thermodynamics of viscous fluids

Claude Le Bris (École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées and INRIA, France)
    Some recent progress in deterministic and stochastic homogenization of elliptic PDE's

Robert McCann (University of Toronto, Canada)
    Geometric variational problems in Economics

Terry Lyons (University of Oxford, United Kingdom)
    The expected signature of a stochastic process. Some new PDE’s

Day 2: Mathematical Physics (joint session with the conference Dynamics of Complex Systems - Final Event)

Christian Gérard (University of Paris-XI, France)
    Existence and non-existence of ground states in Quantum Field Theory models

Jürg Fröhlich (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
    Friction and diffusion in models of particles interacting with a dispersive medium

Jean Bellissard (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, on leave at University of Bielefeld, Germany)
    Wannier transform for aperiodic solids: preliminary results

Wendelin Werner (ENS d'Ulm and University of Paris-XI, France)
    Random surfaces and random geometry

Financial support covering the accommodation is available for PhD students, postdocs, and young researchers. To apply for a grant, please, contact one of the organisers.

If you wish to attend this conference, please register here. There is no registration fee.

Organising and scientific committee: Vladimir Georgescu, Emmanuel Hebey, Armen Shirikyan