Personal details

Full name Armen R. Shirikyan
Date of birth 10 April 1970

Education and degrees

7 November 2003 Habilitation at University of Paris-Sud XI
13 January 1995 PhD thesis at Moscow State University
1986 - 1991   Student at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University

Positions held

September 2006 - present    Department of Mathematics, University of Cergy-Pontoise, Professor
Promoted to the first class by CNU 26 since September 2010
September 2017 - present  
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University, Adjunct Professor
September 2002 - August 2006 Department of Mathematics, University of Paris-Sud XI, Lecturer
February 1999 - August 2002 Department of Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University, Research associate
February 1995 - August 2000 Moscow State University, Institute of Mechanics, Junior scientist

Research grants

Structural properties of non-equilibrium steady states in statistical mechanics : an international collaboration with McGill University, IAS of the Cergy-Pontoise universiy, 2018-2021 (in collaboration with L. Bruneau and T. Daudé)

Nonequilibrium stochastic and open systems, ANR project, 2017-2021 (coordinator of Cergy's partner)

Stochastic systems in mathematics and mathematical physics, ANR project, 2011-2015 (coordinator of the project)

Long-time behavior of solutions for stochastic Navier-Stokes equations, CNRS-Royal Society internation collaboration project, 2010-2011

Control of nonlinear PDE's, LEA Franco-Roumain Math-Mode, 2009-2012

Scientific and administrative responsibilities

Director of CY Institute for Advanced Studies (since September 2024)

Director of the master programme of the Cergy-Pontoise University (from September 2015 to August 2019)

Board member of the PhD School Économie, Management, Mathématiques et Physique of the Cergy-Pontoise University

Associate editor of the journal Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations and Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems

Head of Mathematics Department of the Cergy-Pontoise University (from April 2008 to August 2012)